Jesus’ Offices of Prophet, Priest and King – Triperspectivalism in Scripture

I was listening to a David Fairchild audio on Triperspectivalism when a thought struck me, but let me back up.

First, I am strong King, I am very detail-oriented, and just today my employer commented on my need for details, details, details (which I find very humorous because its true). I try to exercise Prophet as well and I try to evaluate new information about God through the lense of the bible  – I believe very strongly in the concept of sola scriptura.

Early on when I was introduced to Triperspectivalism I began wondering where it was found in scripture and remembered reading through Hebrews about Jesus holding the offices of Prophet, Priest and King. Triperspectivalism is like the Trinity, you will not find the word Trinity, Triune God, or Triperspectivalism in the bible because they are concepts introduced that we give labels to in order to better understand God and study them.  In this way they are similar to science – us trying to grasp, define and measure what God has created.

Here is an over-simplified expression of my (early) understanding of Prophet, Priest and King:

Prophet – God’s truth

Priest – Loving people

King – Organizing things

Back to my first comment here is what struck me today while listening to David Fairchild’s audio on Triperspectivalism… We know that God is a God of truth, love and order, and doesn’t that neatly match the Triperspectival view of things?