Inspirational Music: Fearless by Jasmine Murray

There are those times in life when you forget. You didn’t get that job because God’s plan is something else or it’s the wrong time. You’re bank is running low and things are looking bad. Maybe you have a disease or other health issue.

The gospel of Jesus Christ addresses all of this and more. Often times I find myself fearful of some situation or some thing. Fearless by Jasmine Murray is inspirational and reminds me of these verse in scripture:

6) For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, 7) for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
– 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Kutless – Shut Me Out

More edgy music from a Christian Band, very awesome! This is one of the 5 songs also burned to CD for my wife during that “rough patch” we went through. That rough patch drew us closer together, so here’s the chorus…

There’s nothing you can say
That will take me away from this life
There’s nothing you can do
To shut me up when I’m speaking the truth

Here’s the YouTube…

The Afters, Never Going Back To Okay

I heard this one day on AOL Radio’s Christian Rock channel and it reminded me of mine and my wife’s walk. It was one of 5 songs I burned to CD for her a couple of weeks back when we were going through a rough patch…

This song is about not going back to the old life you had before becoming a Christian. Because once you are a Christian, you realize your old life was just “okay”…

The Afters, Never Going Back To Okay