God Gives, A Poem for my Wife

This poem is for my wife. I’ve been listening to some great scripture-based sermons lately and I’ve been reminded of God’s grace in my life in the form of my wife. I’m no poet, so if you’re not my wife, bare with me here:

God gives,
Eyes, so I can appreciate her beauty,

God gives,
A mouth, so I can talk to her and taste her cooking,

God gives,
Me a sense of touch, so I can feel her gentle skin,

God gives,
Ears, so I can hear her loving voice and talk to her,

God gives,
A nose, so I can smell her perfumes, fragrances, and cooking,

God gives,
A brain, so I can accomplish all of the above and appreciate her,

God gives,
Scripture, so I can rightly understand the His design for of all of the above, more appreciate all of the above, and grow with her for the rest of our earthly lives in a manner that might glorify Him more as time passes.

Christine, I love you. Jesus, Thank you so much for my wife and a growing awareness of what she **really** means in my life!

Water heater Kit A

I just noticed this yesterday. These are 2 of the enhancement Kit A’s that were installed in our water heater. In this photo you can see I’ve added 2 red squares around the windows you see through to check the pilot light to see if it on. On right you can see through to the other kit. On the one on the left you cannot see through it because there is soot covering the window.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

In this photo I’ve turned the enhancement kits around and you can see the full extent of the soot. There must have been a LOT of flame!

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Now look at that last one again, and you can see the casing has been burned off of on of the wires (inside red box I drew).

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Brittany and Lane – Prom 2009

Lane picked our beautiful daughter Brittany up about 5:45 for the prom, which is being held in the Omar Shrine Temple in Mount Pleasant. Here are the photos we got after he arrived, before they left.

Brittany and Lane, arrival

1. Brittany and Lane, arrival
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, on the way out

2. Brittany and Lane, on the way out
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, leaving

3. Brittany and Lane, leaving
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, leaving

4. Brittany and Lane, leaving
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV

5. Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV

6. Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV
click picture to enlarge

Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV

7. Brittany and Lane, getting in SUV
click picture to enlarge

New Faucets

sink faucetDad & Mom helped us get some new faucets for the kitchen and bathroom. The faucet in the kitchen was leaking under the sink and the wood under the sink now looks more like a wooden wave than a place to store things. The faucet in the bathroom was leaking into the sink and just plain wasting money. Ironically both were leaking on the cold water side, so we had to get cold water from the tub in the bathroom for about a month or two – but no more!

Dad and I have installed the new facuets, the bathroom is pictured at right. Thanks Mom and Dad!