Christians Act All Perfect, Right?

Christians act like they are all perfect, right? Hopefully not. The important difference between a christian and a non-christian is salvation – and the way a christian acts is not always in line with God’s word. As a matter-of-fact, its sad that there are many that call themselves christians that are not at all.

So, if you think walking into a church of godly people means finding a group of people who have it all together, and are always nice, and have everything under control, you might want to get a different measuring stick. Sure, christians can display self control, but so can non-christians. We’re not better, we’re just saved. And we’re not saved because we are worthy or have done anything to earn that, but because we place our trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness.

This thought was brought back to me as I listened to the 1 minute audio here:

Author: GC

Professionally I am a web designer, blogger and SEO enthusiast. My hobbies include video games, producing Youtube videos with gaming commentary and blogging (yep, that's twice for blogging). Personally I'm a Christ follower, husband and father.

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