God Working in Our Lives

I was listening to a Gospel Fluency audio by Jeff Vanderstelt, I’ll try to find a link later. But something occurred to me. How many times in your life have you waited for God’s help in some situation? As the great healer, or the worker of miracles or the One who makes all come together for your good? How many times have you later realized, or perhaps someone opened your eyes to the fact that it was a case where you should be doing that thing for yourself instead of waiting for God to do it for you?

Obviously, that idea of doing it yourself doesn’t apply to every situation, but here’s the idea I got listening to the Gospel fluency audio. In your home you may have needed a handy man to come out and repair something – a light fixture or hole in the wall. But do you call a handy man when a light bulb burns out? Of course not, you change the light bulb. I think sometimes in our lives a light bulb has burned out and we are waiting for God to send someone to fix it for us, or perhaps waiting for God to perform a miracle and make the light bulb work again.

We need to be a discerning people, and this includes separating what I need to do for myself from when I need to rely on God’s provision. Its not always as easy as these illustrations I’ve used.

Do you struggle with figuring out when to do it for yourself and when to wait for the Lord’s provision for you?