The Wind Reminds One of God

I was sitting inside the other day looking outside watching the wind stirring around some leaves and dirt in a parking area outside of a window and it occurred to me that the wind is similar in a way to God. You can’t see the wind, but if you pay careful attention, you can see what it does.

But how often do you actually pay attention to the wind and watch what its doing? I’d guess many of us many times just give it a passing glance, and don’t notice what the wind is doing. I think also in that way the wind is like God as well, because sometimes we just aren’t paying enough attention to what God is doing all around us.

Others may have a fascination with the wind and each time it kicks up they watch with rapt attention, watching the different things it blows to and fro. Watching each and every little thing blowing around and trying to discern the “shape” of the wind. I also think there are some that have a similar fascination with God’s work and they watch with rapt attention, just waiting to see what He will do next. Watching in their daily lives for the “fingerprints” that are evidence of the work of our Lord.

Then again there are others who may have an interest in what the wind does, but they seldom remember to pay attention, and when they do its just not because they were looking for it, but maybe something unusual is blowing around like a bunch of balloons or a strong wind is blowing several trees around making a noise, or maybe its a whirlwind or storm. Some of us are like that, too. we see God when something spectacular happens, and though we want to see what God’s doing, “life happens” and we get all wrapped up in it and forget to look at the works of our Creator in and around our lives.

The wind I was watching out of my window on this particular day reminded me of my heavenly Father, and I was very grateful for that reminder.

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