Preparing for the Week

As I prepare for the coming week by burning downloaded Crossway Church sermons to CD to listen to on the way to and from work I can’t help but think of tonight’s Missional Community, our last at Oasis. God has blessed us in manifold ways over the past 3 years.

So I leave one local church body and I prepare myself for another. Praise the living God!

COOL LINK & VIDEO: Advent Conspiracy

CJ Mahaney’s Starbucks Drink

CJ Mahaney, as I recall, has mentioned he does not enjoy coffee all that much, he’s just not a coffee drinker. I was listening to a CD of Idol Factory this morning and he said something I found very funny… this is CJ Mahaney commenting on Starbucks Cafe Mocha with a shot of raspberry. Listen to the entire 3 CD set of his message Idol Factory for more on this humorous quote, and more importantly great info for your soul:

I had discovered a drink that had captured my heart and was changing my life.